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Capture d’écran 2019-05-06 à
Capture d’écran 2019-05-06 à


«Understanding creates love, love creates passion and passion creates unity.»

-Malcom X

Behind this quote is our project.

To truly understand someone or a group of people, you must feel empathy.

You must go through the same emotions as the person living the situation.

To fully grasp what forced migrants have to go through, we created a

metaphorical simulation. The player doesn’t know at first that he is playing

a role that represents a migrant’s journey to a better place, but the situations

that we created for the user are simulations of what migrants can encounter.

We chose not to mention the true subject of the game until the end. We

thought that telling the nature of the game would create once again a

distance between the players and the migrants. That falsifies the primarity of

the emotions felt while playing.

The game is built around two main principals : the mechanics and lack of

symbolism in the shapes we use.

Created by Sara, Victor N, Nathan, Arthur and Tiago

Capture d’écran 2019-05-06 à
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